Case Study
Dark Shadows
Juxta was approached to create a stunt in promotion of the DARK SHADOWS theatrical release that was in tune with the tone of this horror comedy. Patrick and his team set out to create a series of vampire themed advertising stunts featuring a coffin and a trompe l'oeil grave-site.
After designing and crafting in-studio the coffin, grave-site and complementary props Patrick negotiated with key locations for the opportunity to bring the fun, yet slightly horrific stunt during a two-week campaign across Toronto including EB Games at Youge Dundas Square, Queen St. West at Soho during Jane's Walk, Bloor St., Queen's Quay and outside the Great Hall. With the appropriate insurance policies in-hand, Patrick and his team hired and dressed goth-like talent to participate in the stunts and handout promotional swag at each event.
Each stunt throughout the two-week campaign was executed successfully, often leading to large groups of passersby hovering around to see the action. Talent hired were eager and very engaging and enticed people to not only stop and see but they engaged in fun film facts to encourage people to see the film when it hit theatres. Warner Bros. was very pleased with the buzz the stunts built to support their promotion of the film in advance of its theatrical release.